Wednesday 5 November 2008

Where were you on November 4th 2008?

Where were you in 1969 when Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F Kennedy were killed?

Where were you when Jackie Robinson and Henry Aaron broke into professional sports previously denied to people of color setting records?

Where were you when Halle Berry and Denzel Washington ended the drought in Hollywood of acknowledging the excellent work of actors of color by receiving 'Best Actress and Best Actor' awards?

Where were you when Americans voted for the very first African American President?

gratitude thought: For possibilities, for hope....for change
Thank you to the many Americans who went before me, giving their lives and suffering unjust acts of cruelty to make November 4th a possibility.

1 comment:

Starr said...

For much of what you listed, I wasn't yet born. But for the changes I've seen, I'm grateful & for those changes that occurred before my birth, I am more grateful. We're all children of God.

PS How is Dakota feeling?