Tuesday 14 April 2009

Waiting for daddy after church...

Here is Jewel on Easter Sunday, (wearing her dress from Oma) as she waits outside the chapel for her daddy. We only had to wait an hour and 20 minutes and we all got to ride home together for Easter dinner. There was an Easter egg treasure hunt for the kids after dinner. Can't tell who enjoyed the hunt more, Jewel or Dakota ;-)

Jewel (age 9, four feet, six inches tall: weight 57 pounds)


Starr said...

Jewel looks amazing. What a great Easter dress.

Funny that you said Dakota was so into the Easter egg hunt. I was thinking about him an hour ago & how he used his computer programming class to write his letter to Santa.

Patricia said...


He's still on the computer asking Santa (a.k.a. MOM) to bring him stuff.

Some things never change...he applied for a research position at RU online, and then asked to be taken to Gamestop to buy a Nintendo DS with his school money..He still plays Pokemon with Jewel!