Patricia wearing her Christmas outfit,for birthday dinner at the Olive Garden.....hungry folks
Menu at the Olive GardenJewel- SpeghettiDakota- Herbed SalmonDaniel- Tortilloni and beef ribsPatricia- Seafood AlfredoWednesday January 30th was Patricia's 49th birthday. The day was spent running errands driving the family around. She received some flowers and dinner from ward members and phone calls from the young women and Oma,Kevin,Diane, Kaye and Mable. When Dakota was at Mutual, a kind friend 'Starr Turner' babysat Jewel so Daniel and Patricia could have a free hour together. These moments are so rare that after dinner (at home) they just sat and stared at each other!!!gratitiude thought: As I reach the last year in my fourth decade, I am and will always be grateful for the family I have been blessed with and kind and loving friends:
Oma, Opa & Greg, always loving, supportive and generous through all our hard times.
Linda, Andrea for thinking of us with cards, clothing, kind words, & support
Camille, Leslie for their examples of being sweet and their hearts always open
Shelly, Bruce for the impact of their parenting and giving us such lovely cousins
My sisters, Diane and Kathy who always have loving words for Dakota and Jewel
My brother Kevin, with a heart of gold and for being a lovely man
My mom Mable, who is a best friend!
My dear Jewel whose temperment and spirit match her name, Dakota whose zest and apppetite for life and how fully he lives it is contagious and Daniel whose depth as a man and wisdom makes me stretch everyday.
For friends I have met over the years in the many states that have created many wonderful memories.......
Friday, Patricia had a birthday lunch with some church members at 'Panera Bread' on a rain soaked Friday, and Saturday the family listened to the funeral broadcast of Gordon B Hinkley.
After church on Sunday...Daniel began packing for his week long trip to California.