Blog title (numbers) courtesy of Dakota. This is a calculation of some kind and he will let us know what this means at some point. (we hope)
Poor Jewel, sore throat, sneezing, coughing and a stuffy nose, She stayed home all day today. It was freezing cold with winds, so we're glad she didn't have to go out.
On Wednesday evening, Daniel had a smooth and safe flight from Chicago. He arrived when the kids were at church activities and Patricia at her meeting. It was a happy reunion for all.
trivia: Diane Jones (Patricia's sister) husband Lewis, is in the hospital having tests done. He has water in his lungs and probably has pneumonia.
gratitude thought: A hot bowl of soup in the winter. Nothing like it in the world except a warm hug.
I think I know the signifance of the number - it must be the percent degree of certainty that big changes are ahead for the Killpack family. . .
I just heard your big news (on Suzy's blog)!! Congratulations!
Kristen, that number must be visiting your house too. Big changes for the Smith family and we are thrilled for you and your family.
Tricia, my how news travels in our high tech world. He has know for a week before me, and keeping that quiet was tough. I knew for a week and it was tough not telling the kids until Sunday morning in the car. Thanks for your warm wishes.
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